Drug and Alcohol Detox Centers

Drug and alcohol detox centers can help you fight both of your addictions together.
The very first step to overcoming addiction and making a full recovery is drug and alcohol detox. Many addicts don’t just suffer from alcohol addiction, they suffer from both an addiction to drugs and alcohol together. Specialized treatment is provided at drug and alcohol detox centers for those who are addicted to both drugs and alcohol. These individuals require additional treatment, monitoring and care above and beyond those who are addicted only to alcohol. Understanding and treating addiction to both drugs and alcohol takes skilled professionals such as those employed at drug and alcohol detox centers.
Alcohol detox centers can safely help an addict overcome physical dependence on alcohol but what does an individual do if they are also addicted to drugs? These individuals should seek specialized help such as that provided at drug and alcohol detox centers to assure that they are receiving proper treatment and care for both of their addictions. It would be counterproductive to only treat one addiction at a time as the addict would then leave the detox center still suffering from withdrawals from the other substance which could result in them using and having to start the detox process all over again. Drug and alcohol detox centers can help by providing comprehensive treatment for both addictions and assuring the safety of the addict during the detoxification process.
Treatment Provided at Drug and Alcohol Detox Centers
Various types of treatment are provided at drug and alcohol detox centers. The type of treatment that is provided is largely dependent on the individual, the type of drug they are addicted to, the length of time they have been addicted and also the level of drug abuse. Individuals who suffer from alcoholism and are also addicted to drugs must be treated carefully to assure that no withdrawal symptom is left unnoticed. The combination of the body physically withdrawing from alcohol and drugs at the same time can be dangerous and must be properly monitored by medical staff.
Many drug and alcohol detox centers provide medications during the withdrawal process. Some of the most common medications that are used during alcohol detox are also commonly used to treat drug detox too. Additional medications that are used for drug detoxification include suboxone and naltrexone which are both commonly used to treat heroin or opiate addiction. Various other treatments may also be provided by drug and alcohol treatment centers such as alternative treatments, holistic therapy and social services.
Successful Drug and Alcohol Detox
Successful drug and alcohol detox begins with accepting that an individual has a problem with addiction that must be corrected. Drug and alcohol detox centers can provide specialized treatment and care for individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol but not until the individual is willing to accept treatment for their condition. The detox process is often marked by painful and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms but with the help of drug and alcohol detox centers and the highly skilled staff members of these facilities, successful drug and alcohol detox is not only possible, it’s probable!